We’ve developed a bunch of Advanced Resources that can be found for you absolutely free with our IronLand Website Control Panel! They’re suitable for web–developers and for online marketers who want to maintain their hosting environment on their own. You can quickly make an .htaccess file, replace the PHP build for your personal website hosting account, modify the php.ini file, create numerous automated tasks and applications, and a lot more!

Virtually all Advanced Resources adhere to the layout pattern in our Website Control Panel, leading them to be really simple to operate.

Hotlink Protection

Defend yourself from traffic theft

From our IronLand Website Control Panel, you can instantly safeguard all the images on your websites from being used someplace else devoid of your authorization. And you will achieve that with just a few clicks of your computer mouse employing our Hotlink Protection tool.

Everything you should make is pick the domain you wish to shield and start the Hotlink Protection. Adjusts are going to work immediately and your visuals are going to be protected from unlawful use and traffic theft.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Auto creation of .htaccess files

At IronLand, you will have accessibility to the .htaccess file of your respective web site, so you will make as many adjustments as you would like. Incorporating only a couple of lines for the settings file, you can easily reroute your web site to a different web link, or setup password defense for a particular folder, and many more.

With the effective .htaccess Generator within the Website Control Panel, you will not need to possess any knowledge about .htaccess files whatsoever. Simply show the tool what you would like to carry out and for which site, and after that click the Save button. The smart program will create the .htaccess file to best suit your specific needs in seconds.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Block harmful IPs from your site

If you have a busy web site, sooner or later you become a target to spammers and malicious website visitors. It is easy to guard all your web sites from this sort of actions when using the IP blocking tool included in the Website Control Panel. The tool will allow you efficiently stop an IP address or maybe a full array of IPs with simply a click of the mouse.

In addition to the precise web stats and also IronLand’s GeoIP redirection software tools, this IP Blocking tool will enable you to efficiently regulate the ability to access your web site.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Switch the PHP settings for one’s web site

The IronLand Website Control Panel offers the chance to easily change the PHP release for use on your web hosting account. You can pick from various earlier PHP variations to the most recent stable PHP launch. We have made a straightforward user interface that allows you to customize the PHP release as many times as you want. Then the release you have picked is going to be implemented automatically.

Whichever PHP version you select, you’ll also have total control on the php.ini file – the PHP configuration file for your account. You can quickly modify numerous common options, update the complete php.ini file or swiftly revert all adjusts and also set things to their normal condition.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Set automatic planned jobs

In the IronLand Website Control Panel, we have developed an effortless and user–friendly interface for setting up new as well as handling existing cron jobs – the Cronjob Manager. A cron job is really a scheduled task – often a script, that is carried out at pre–set intervals of time. It can be a basic script for looking at if the site is online, an emailing script, a website functionality review, etc.

You can easily set up take full advantage of cron jobs with all the cloud hosting packs. For those who want added cron jobs, it is easy to acquire extra as an upgrade.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Fantastic way to shield all your data

When using the IronLand Website Control Panel, it is easy to immediately secure every single directory in your website, because of the Password Protection instrument. What you need to achieve is select the folder you would like to defend as well as select a login name as well as a security password that just you will be aware of. Your folder as well as its contents will be secured right away.

The security password you’ve specified can be held in an encoded manner. No person will be able to check it out and you’ll be in the position to change it once you would like.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL redirection with a couple of clicks

If you would like easily route your site to a new web page or another website, you can do this with our URL Redirection tool. It negates the necessity to build PHP redirects or create an .htaccess file. Basically specify the place you need to point your site towards and the tool will handle all the rest. Your site is going to be redirected quickly.

If you want to stop the redirection as well as have your site directed to the original URL, you can do this with a mouse–click.

URL Redirection