By employing the PHP Framework Installer bundled in the IronLand Website Control Panel, it’s easy to get a brand–new PHP framework for your completely new projects. No need to do a search for the most up–to–date variant of a framework and then waste your time setting it up. Everything you should do is simply choose the location of the PHP framework and then click the Install button.

Diverse frameworks on hand

Initiate your online enterprise using a framework

You will discover numerous PHP frameworks online that are contesting to provide the greatest platform for your personal sites. Our PHP Framework Installer incorporates probably the most popular and frequently used PHP frameworks: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

All of these frameworks can be set up with a click and it is upgraded to the most current stable release at all times.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework installing

Your PHP framework is merely a mouse click away

The installation of a PHP framework can be hard and complicated, because you need to ensure you dig up the latest stable version and have knowledge to configure it yourself. With our PHP Framework Installer, we make an attempt to eliminate this difficulty. The Installer allows you to install a complete PHP framework in just a minute, without any additional setup mandatory.

We have tried to simplify the installation process as much as possible. All you should do is notify the Installer just where you’d like the PHP framework to be set up and the smart system will do the rest.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click data backup

The easiest way to back up a framework

In case you handle important business details, you must keep a backup of everything, especially if there are a variety of alterations made. Aided by the PHP Framework Installer, you can make a backup of your framework with simply a mouse click. Our system will generate the backup file and then upload it in your account. We’ve not specified any restriction on the number of backups you could make or for the period when you can create them.

In addition to the manual backups that you make, in addition we run automated backups for all of your sites on a regular basis. This way, IronLand offers a well designed and protected backup solution for your business project data.

1-click backup