The disk space feature displays the total volume of data that you'll be able to have on a website hosting server at a time. With a desktop computer, for example, this would be the capacity of a single hard drive or the overall volume of all the hard drives in case that the computer has more than 1. Exactly as your space on a home machine is divided between installed software programs, docs, your music and so on, the server storage space is usually divided between site files, databases and emails. Every single file, folder or e-mail requires a little disk space on the server, so you should think about quite a few factors, not only the size of the files that you will upload. For example, receiving larger email attachments or using a script-driven website in which the user-generated content material is stored in a database may also affect the space you use.

Disk Space in Website Hosting

In order to match the processing effectiveness behind all our cloud web hosting plans, we've taken into consideration and employed the very best solution regarding the disk space - your hosting account will not be created using just one server, but using a cluster platform. As a result, what we've designed is an entire group of servers that is focused on the file storage only, so that you should never be worried about not having enough space and having to move to an additional server since your present one can not accommodate more info. Any time an additional space is needed, all we have to do is attach more machines to our cluster, so the hard disk space is unlimited. Of course, all of our website hosting are intended to be used for sites, not for an archive of large files. We have distinct machines for the databases and the email messages.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All our semi-dedicated server packages have "disk space" as a feature only to stress that it's completely unrestricted. We were able to reach that with the use of an innovative, custom-made cloud hosting platform, where your emails, databases and files will be kept on separate clusters of servers. We are able to add more hard disks or whole servers to all of the clusters and at any time, and our web hosting Control Panel was made to function with such a platform. By contrast, nearly all Control Panels on the web hosting market can work only on one server, and in spite of what various companies advertise, they actually generate many different accounts on just a single machine. Employing a semi-dedicated server package from us, you will never have to concern yourself with disk space restrictions and you will be able to concentrate on developing your web sites.

Disk Space in VPS Web Hosting

The disk storage that we supply with our virtual private servers is different according to the package that you choose when you sign up. By using a more powerful server, you can efficiently manage a number of web sites, meaning extra content, thus the higher the VPS package, the more hdd storage you will have at your disposal. Shifting from one plan to another requires a couple of mouse-clicks and it won't involve any kind of service interruption. Your web site databases, files and emails will share the overall amount of space the server contains, still if you prefer to have fixed allocations, you'll be able to select cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during your ordering process. Either of the tools will enable you to set up web hosting accounts with limited hdd storage and if necessary, even to allocate space from one existing account to another. With the third option that you can find on the order page, the Hepsia Control Panel, all domain names will share the storage.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting

With our dedicated hosting services you'll get all of the storage space that you will need for your sites, databases, e-mail messages and apps. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage will be available and not shared with anyone else, which means that you're able to upload all of the content you will need - website files, personal or company archive backups, and so on. You will have no less than 2 separate hard disks that function well in RAID, so one of the drives will mirror the other one in real time to make sure that all of your precious data is always protected. If you like, you're able to use the hard drives individually and employ the entire storage space in any way you see fit. If needed, you can get additional hard disks linked to your server and enjoy even greater disk space. You have the option to create hosting accounts with pre-set hard disk storage quotas when you obtain the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the website hosting Control Panel. Choosing Hepsia, which is the 3rd Control Panel solution on the order page, all of the domain names hosted on the server will share the hard disk space and they will be operated via a single account. In either case, our dedicated plans will meet all of your needs whatever the type of site you wish to host.