When you've got an email address and you activate forwarding for it, all inbound messages will be sent to a third-party email address that you pick. The sender will not be aware of this and he will send the email only to the initial address. This feature is effective if you have numerous sites, each with a different e-mail address for contact, for instance. By forwarding all messages to just a single email address, it will be easier for you to keep a record and not pass up an email because you have neglected to check a specific email. If you run a company, you’re able to take advantage of this feature to observe the emails received by different divisions. An additional benefit is that you'll be able to make use of an official email address for some purposes, let’s say admin@your-domain.com, and you can now get all emails sent to it inside your private mailbox. It's also possible to forward e-mail messages from one e-mail address to multiple ones, if a number of people needs to be involved in the e-mail conversation.

E-mail Forwarding in Website Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, that comes with all our website hosting packages, will allow you to forward any e-mail address in the account to an alternative one without difficulty. This can be done either during the creation of a new mailbox or at any time later in case you decide that you will need this feature. During the process, you will be able to choose if you prefer a duplicate of the e-mails to be maintained on the server. This way, you will have a backup and you'll avoid the probability to lose an e-mail if the forwarding is to an exterior address, that's momentarily unavailable. This option can be enabled and disabled at any time, and when you use emails for essential matters, it is far better to use it, because no data of the e-mails are kept on the server when the option is not enabled. If you determine that you do not need forwarding any more, it will take just a mouse click to disable it.

E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The feature-rich Email Manager tool inside the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, which comes with all of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting, will allow you to forward any email that you make with the account to one or numerous additional addresses with only a number of clicks. You will additionally have the ability to see a listing of all mailboxes that you've, which ones are forwarded plus exactly where they're forwarded to. This feature can be activated and deactivated at any time and you can now also select whether a backup of the inbound emails needs to be kept on our servers or not. Even though this feature is completely optional, it might be more convenient once you take advantage of it, because you possess a copy of the messages when there is any kind of issue with the remote mail server. Even when there's a momentary problem and no emails are lost on our system, you might still not receive a forwarded e-mail in the event it was relayed by our servers within the downtime.