Any time you buy a brand new website hosting account, your payment is processed, your account is set up and as automatic as the whole process may be, there're always little things that are conducted manually. For every virtual or a dedicated server there are even more things to be done as these types of hosting generally need a manual setup, software installation and configuration, checking the server environment so as to guarantee that everything's working fine, etc. To cover the expenses for the time and efforts all these tasks take, a lot of companies collect a one-time installation cost to be paid by their clients in addition to the price for the website hosting. The fee usually is valid for every new hosting account being acquired and it is hardly ever given on the company’s web site, yet it would appear on the checkout page.

Setup Fee in Website Hosting

When you acquire a website hosting plan through us, you will never have to pay any setup fees. In fact, we don't have other hidden fees of any sort too. We appreciate every customer and it's our belief that if you acquire any kind of package through us, you should not be charged anything more than the cost for the website hosting plan. You won't discover any kind of concealed fees after or before your order, which will show you that we are a reliable and trustworthy supplier. The price of every shared website hosting package will be the same everywhere on our web site - the main page, the order and payment pages. As we also provide real-time account activation, you won't need to wait for many hours or even days to begin setting up your web site.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated server plans don't have any sort of setup charges, so when you get a new account, the total fee for the first month is identical for your future renewals. Due to the fact it takes us a few min to create and activate your new semi-dedicated account, we believe that it would not be justified to charge you anything for that. You'll see the exact same amount on the home page, on the payment page and on your bank or PayPal statement and you will not ever need to pay any additional fees. If you have an ordinary shared web hosting account with our company and you need a more powerful alternative, we will even move all your data to the new semi-dedicated account without cost.

Setup Fee in VPS Web Hosting

Every time you order a virtual private server through us, all you'll need to pay is the standard monthly fee for the plan you have picked and this particular cost will be identical each month that you use the server. We don't have any concealed or setup fees and we think that building a long-term business relationship that is based on trust is more important than asking you for a couple of extra dollars with some hidden charge that you don't see on the home page. We'll assemble the virtual server and install its OS plus all the required software applications absolutely free of cost. If you obtain the VPS with our Hepsia web hosting Control Panel and you curently have a shared website hosting plan here, we can even migrate all your content to the new server absolutely free.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers Hosting

Using a dedicated server purchased from our company, you will never have any concealed charges and you will never have to pay any installation costs. The cost of the plan you have chosen is shown on our website and it's the only price that you'll see on both the order and the payment pages. We think that getting a new customer and creating a long-term relationship is more significant than asking you for some extra dollars, which means that we will set up your machine, set up all the needed software and check it out completely cost-free. We will even move all of your content gratis in case you already have a shared web hosting package from our company and you would like to migrate to a dedicated server which is ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel.