SSH Access

No cost SSH access for your machine

IronLand’s Linux semi-dedicated servers come with SSH access, which enables you to interact straight with the web server, without needing to utilize the Website Control Panel. It will be easy to interact with your data files, databases, email and all things associated with your websites. As you share the machine with just a couple of other users, you won’t have root rights to change the server’s setup.

With the smaller bundle, SSH access provided as an extra service, while with the bigger configuration it comes as a 100 % free bonus.

SSH Access

Free Dedicated IP

Complimentary dedicated IP for your machine

We include a totally-free dedicated IP address with the Semi-dedicated 2 server set-up. A dedicated IP will let you instantly set up an SSL certificate for your website or register your very own name servers that will resolve to your unique IP address.

The dedicated IP is freely available to use just after you access your Website Control Panel. Additionally, if you want supplemental IP addresses, it’s possible to order as many as you need at a discount cost from the Website Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

24x7 Support

Email us day–and–night

You can write to us round–the–clock with any questions that you might have concerning our Linux semi-dedicated hosting. Don’t hesitate to let us know through email and through the ticket system and we will answer back to you in about 1 hour. Actually, our typical reply time is only 20 min. On working days, you might phone us or use the online messaging system on our web site.

24x7 Support


A secure web app firewall

Safeguard your applications (Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, etcetera) against cyber–thieves activities with ModSecurity. It is a firewall software made to guard apps against hacking attacks. We have pre–installed the firewall to ward off all normal website assaults quickly. By rule, ModSecurity is allowed for every website host, but you can easily disable it for for virtually any website that you choose.



Fully–featured and flexible offers for your resource–hungry sites

Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting do offer a lot quicker site loading data transfer speeds and a lot better scalability. The server stress is distributed among a few servers instead of just a single one, so you’ll hardly ever be impacted by stress issues and regular maintenance types of procedures. Every single semi–dedicated server includes a point & click Best Web Applications accessible in more than ten different languages and with a 1–click Apps Installer, through which you might make weblogs, local community sites, image albums, etcetera.


Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Double protected semi-dedicated hosting

By storing applications, email messages and databases on a few physical machines instead of just one, we have designed a far more reliable hosting environment for your worldwide web presence. Furthermore, we have lowered the web servers’ vulnerability to hacking/DDoS assaults that may easily take down the server on a standard shared hosting system.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

VPN Access

Explore the world wide web risk–free

If you want to remain fully anonymous while browsing the online world, we provide you with an easy alternative. With each of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting, you are able to get VPN (Virtual Private Network) access, regardless of the web–enabled gadget you are working with. We will track all your inbound and outgoing traffic via one of our VPN data centers, making your web impact anonymous.

VPN Access

  • Service guarantees

  • The Linux semi-dedicated hosting are installed for you cost free. 99.9% uptime availability. SSH access rights. Free–of–cost Control Panel provided.
  • Compare our prices

  • Have a look at IronLand’s charges and pick the ideal semi–dedicated server for your thriving web sites. Move up to a more powerful server set–up with simply a click.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • We’re available around the clock to respond to any sort of inquiries about our Linux semi-dedicated hosting. 1–hour reply time guarantee.